Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Yesterday we went to see the opera, Tosca.

Lesson learned: Never go to a matinee performance of anything, at least in Florida. It was all old people. Seriously. After navigating through the obstacle course of wheelchairs and walkers and slow-shuffling geriatrics we finally got to our seats. I knew things wouldn't go well....and I was right. We were trapped, in a theater filled with coughers. Every second someone was coughing. I'm not kidding. I sat next to this old couple - the husband kept blowing his nose. It was very distracting. So I changed seats with my husband after the intermission. Big mistake. Now I was seated next to a family with a child who kept crackling and crinkling paper... throughout the entire second act. I switched back to my old seat for the third act. Mercifully, the nose-blower was quiet so I was able to actually enjoy the final bit.

Oh yeah, and during a pivotal silence some asshole's cell phone went off. That was actually amusing.


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